What does PCI 3.0 mean for you?

PCI 3.0 What does it mean for you? On June 30, 2015, compliance with the latest Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is mandatory. This is the first update to the standard since 2011 and was originally set to occur in January of this year, but was...


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The 2015 Liability Shift and EMV Implementation

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] The 2015 Liability Shift and EMV Implementation What you need to know about the October 2015 liability shift. [/av_textblock] [av_three_fourth first min_height=” vertical_alignment=”...

Merchant Security and Protecting Cardholder Information

The holiday shopping season is just around the corner and merchant security is incredibly important. With the recent local and national data breaches fresh in our minds, it’s important to take the proper steps and precautions to ensure you don’t become a victim....